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9B Societies
9B Societies

Guide 9B


Interactions within populations

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In this guide you will observe and analyze a variety of social behaviors and interactions within a society.

Video Overview

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Societies Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.

Societies Objectives


Describe how genetics and experience relate to migratory behaviors in various species; and provide examples of how citizen science impacts the acquisition of new knowledge.


Describe how seasonal changes lead to aestivation and hibernation behaviors; and explain how hormones relate to genes and proteins, including how hormones impact animal behaviors.

Social Behaviors

Grid the possible impacts of social behaviors on the actor and recipient of the behaviors; provide examples of social behaviors within species; and compare and contrast forms of communication, including advantages and disadvantages of each.


Provide examples of eusocial species, including the roles individuals play in these societies; list representative species in Order Hymenoptera, including shared structures, social behaviors, and ecosystem roles; and describe characteristics of ant eusocieties, including roles and interactions.

Societies Product Page

Look ahead to the products (quiz & media piece) you will be making after completing this guide’s four activity pages.

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