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3b6 Resources
Guide 3B Data Analysis


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About this Guide

Greetings from the stream

I had the opportunity to be part of Oregon State University’s Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Stream Team for two summers.  Before that, my field work had been limited; working with real field biologists in the Cascade and Coastal mountains was life-changing.  Spending months floating in the streams watching tiny snails and caddisflies with salmon swimming around me was ridiculously fun.  No matter how many jobs you have, work your way towards the ones you love.


3b6 Resources
Our day job is teaching biology at Oregon State University.  Since beavers are the mascot, we occasionally unpack all of our beavers boxes and make displays.  Mark is setting up in a hallway window of one of the biology teaching labs.  
It took an hour of August hiking in the Saratoga Battlefield (New York state) to find this area impacted by beavers.  Different trees than our local Oregon beavers, but similar tooth marks.
3b6 Resources


Collage Journal

Blend your photos with writings and sketches to create your own art piece.  Rearranging work can reveal new connections between knowledge and even the smallest pieces take on new meaning.

Close to Home

Its easy to think of vacations as something far from home, but sometimes the best destinations are close by.  We have Alsea Falls, a small drop but incredible organisms within a cool coniferous rainforest.  Develop a photo album and journal highlighting the resources near you.
This stream riffle had snails, freshwater clams, caddisflies, water striders, and plenty of fish.

River Sampling

This stream riffle had snails, freshwater clams, caddisflies, water striders, and plenty of fish.
The Juga snails may not catch the eye at first, but individual snails have different behaviors: some stay in one place and consume all of the algae around them, others travel extensive distances to greener rocks.

Old Friends

The Juga snails may not catch the eye at first, but individual snails have different behaviors: some stay in one place and consume all of the algae around them, others travel extensive distances to greener rocks.

Recommended Books

Learn how agriculture, including artificial selection, impacted ancient human cultures.

Learn how agriculture, including artificial selection, impacted ancient human cultures.

Mendel was a person of and before his time: explore his life and work.

Mendel was a person of and before his time: explore his life and work.

Meet nature's engineers: the magnificent beavers.

Meet nature's engineers: the magnificent beavers.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

Data Analysis Product Page

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Module 3 Overview

This Guide

3B: Data Analysis

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4: Species