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3a3 Population Data

Population Data Looking Within a Species

3a3 Population Data
3a3 Population Data

Population Data Objectives

  • Define what a population is and provide examples.
  • Read a population size chart, including identifying carrying capacity and providing examples of factors that can limit a population’s carrying capacity.
  • Analyze different forms of population data including population distribution.

There is a limit to the number of individuals that can live in a population

What can limit population size?

This video has the answers.
3a3 Population Data
Sea star wasting is caused by a pathogen and rapid loss of sea star species had a significant impact on the tide pool community of species on the west coast of the United States.
We have all heard of “starfish” sea stars.  Why would their loss impact other species?  Think about the possible functional roles they can play.
3a3 Population Data
A hint is that sea stars can use their legs that are covered in tube-like feet to pry open clams and other tide pool mollusks.
Sea stars eat a variety of prey species, and the loss of sea stars means the population controls on clams, snail, and other species are reduced.  Clams grow in population size, causing a decline in what they consume.  There is a cascade of impact with the loss of the sea star predator.
Some people consider sea stars to be a keystone species, meaning that they may not have a large population biomass, but the presence (or loss) has a large impact on other species.
3a3 Population Data

In the Willamette Valley, a sign of fall is the return of Dusky Canada Geese populations from their summer breeding grounds in Alaska.  We’ll have more on the geese in an upcoming guide.

Dusky Canada Geese

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) are a popular pet.  However, if you overfeed them their populations size can quickly grow because you have raised their ________________.


hint: this is “K” in the video.

Besides size, another characteristic of populations is distribution of the organisms.

3a3 Population Data
The blue dots in the image represent individuals in a population.
The meerkats in this photo are demonstrating _____ distribution.

answer: very clumped

3a3 Population Data

Another form of population data is the type of interaction between organisms, either within a species or between species.

Commonly observed interactions

organisms try to utilize the same limited resources


organisms try to utilize the same limited resources
Organisms benefit each other in some manner


Organisms benefit each other in some manner
An organism is harmed assisting another organism


An organism is harmed assisting another organism
Many interactions are difficult to study and/or characterize


Many interactions are difficult to study and/or characterize

Organisms within a population can end up competing for limited resources.  The next section introduces animal competition.

3a3 Population Data
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • define what a population is and provide examples?
  • read a population size chart, including identifying carrying capacity and providing examples of factors that can limit a population’s carrying capacity?
  • analyze different forms of population data including population distribution?
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