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4a6 Resources
Guide 4A Classification


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About this Guide

Close to Home

This is the view just down the road from where we live; Mary’s Peak, the highest point of the coastal range is on the horizon.  Many people in the area use it as a symbol of home.  Even though we’ve lived in this area for over 30 years, we are still finding new organisms every week.  It is terrific to travel to distant locations, but don’t miss the amazing life close to home. 

Lepidopteran Gardens

Butterfly Rest Stops

The decline in well-known butterfly species gets a fair amount of news attention.  Setting up gardens with water and specific food resources may be the only way to prevent extinction, similar to many bird species.  Learn more about the Monarch butterfly and recommendations to try to save the remaining populations.

Not just for the birds & the bees

When you see a sunflower garden during the day, it is usually covered with bees when in flower and with birds when the pollinated flowers have produced seeds.  What many people don’t realize unless they have sat quietly in the garden at dusk, is that the large glowing yellow flowers attract moths like lighthouse beacons.  Planting flower gardens can benefit a variety of species.

Art-Science Connections

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Collect small pieces of your art work and arrange them into a collage.  There is less pressure to produce a single “perfect” large piece, and the smaller pieces can combine to produce a new, richer perspective.


This piece incorporates photos, notes, and sketches about insects that are covered in this course. 
Another option is to collect and organize “found” objects: magazine ads, wrappers, fabrics, small objects.  Animals are well-represented in media.
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4a6 Resources
This is a Lepidopteran journal packed with found objects all related to the theme.


Some of the insect species in our ephemera collection have declined significantly in population size, primarily due to reduced habitat. When these cards were produced in the 1950s, the illustrated insects were abundant.

Insect Ephemera

Some of the insect species in our ephemera collection have declined significantly in population size, primarily due to reduced habitat. When these cards were produced in the 1950s, the illustrated insects were abundant.
Some of the photos were made by temporarily placing insects and their plants in a small container to control lighting and reduce wind impact.

Ready for Action

Some of the photos were made by temporarily placing insects and their plants in a small container to control lighting and reduce wind impact.
We shoot a lot of our course video at home, and can count on Tanji checking out the materials in advance. We kid that he is our "safety inspector."

Close Inspection

We shoot a lot of our course video at home, and can count on Tanji checking out the materials in advance. We kid that he is our “safety inspector.”
We were worried the ground squirrels wouldn't show up, but they came right up to us in the National Forest parking lots. We suspect they've been snacking on the refuse.

Eager Subjects

We were worried the ground squirrels wouldn’t show up, but they came right up to us in the National Forest parking lots. We suspect they’ve been snacking on the refuse.

Living Anatomy

Some species of fish like this “Glass Catfish” (Kryptopterus vitreolus) have transparency that allows viewing of internal organs, including the bones.  We’re locating species that could teach aspects of anatomy without dissection.
4a6 Resources


If you saw the rat introduction videos, you know this little brown agouti hooded rat is not shy.  His name is Binx and he is leading the way to get held and carried around.

Recommended Books

Experience the diversity of insects in a new way with incredible illustrations.

Experience the diversity of insects in a new way with incredible illustrations.

Become a beetle enthusiast if you are not one already.

Become a beetle enthusiast if you are not one already.

Follow in the footsteps of Linneaus and other famous naturalists.

Follow in the footsteps of Linneaus and other famous naturalists.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

Classification Product Page

Complete this guide’s products before advancing on to the next guide

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Module 4 overview

This Guide

4A: Classification

Next Guide

4B: Identification