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Guide 1B Research


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
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Review Research Contents

Research Objectives


Outline the basic essentials in a lab and field safety checklist; list the components of a first aid kit and an emergency preparedness kit; and describe wasps through the course topic lenses, including their relationship to humans

Habits & Practices

Distinguish between a habit and practice, providing examples of how each are important in safety and science investigations; and define stewardship and provide examples; and describe the role of ethics in science.

Field Work

List planning considerations related to safe and effective field work; and provide the characteristics of moss plants, including their structures and diversity; and describe the role mosses play within their ecosystems and how they can be propagated to restore habitats.


Explain why controlling variables in laboratory work can assist in drawing conclusions from research, using a moss investigation as an example, describe how science discovery can be applied to small-scale habitats; and provide an example of an exploratory study that can generate variables for further research.

Research Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Research Media

Introduced in Habits & Practices section of this guide:

Safety Checklist

For this assignment you will be submitting a personalized safety checklist.  This checklist will include safety protocols for the laboratory and field.  You can group the procedures under different headings like “lab safety” or “outdoor safety.”  You can modify the list provided on the previous safety webpage.

Also include a brief list of safety habits and practices.  Things you already do regularly and things you would like to add to your safety protocol.

1b5 Products

Include in your safety checklist:

  • Safety procedures for both indoors activities (typically labs)  and outdoor activities (field work).

  • Personalized procedures for your location and equipment available.  For example, if you use electrical equipment near water in your bathroom, that probably needs a line in your safety checklist.

  • A brief labeled list of safety-related “habits” and “practices.”

Media Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Once you have completed your notes over all four sections in this guide, upload them to Canvas.  Your notes can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, a photo of the notes, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.


Portfolio Directions

Typically each week you will have about an hour’s worth of work on your Portfolio that is due the Wednesday of Final Exam week (week 11).

This week, since you did the “start BI 101 here” Canvas pages that took about an hour, there is no Portfolio assignment.  You can look at those Canvas pages about the course again, if you like:

Learn more about Research

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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1B: Research

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2: Biomes