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8b6 Resources
Guide 8B Global


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About this Guide

8b6 Resources

Strange, but fun!

I have been teaching for over 30 years, and there has been nothing like the past few years.  I’ve spent my entire adult life on a university campus as an undergraduate student, a masters student, a doctoral student, and instructor.  So I wasn’t sure how it would feel to have to spend time away from the sounds and sights of a bustling campus community making videos around the state.  It is strange, but coming up with new ways to try to teach has been a lot of fun.  Every day I feel lucky to have a job and wonderful people around the world to share adventures with.



I’m unpacking an unidentified cave-dwelling Cubaris sp. “Panda King” from Vietnam.  Note how “bold” they are despite a small size.

8b6 Resources

There is a lot more plastic beach debris than I remember on the Oregon Coast.  Mark and I now collect some on every trip.

This art caught our attention driving through old-town Bandon, Oregon. The pieces have been on my mind, the variety of plastic beach debris was memorable.

Had to Stop

This art caught our attention driving through old-town Bandon, Oregon. The pieces have been on my mind, the variety of plastic beach debris was memorable.
No matter where we go, there is always a box for Mark to carry. This trail was a mile or so and the box had some pretty weighty props :).

Another Box

No matter where we go, there is always a box for Mark to carry. This trail was a mile or so and the box had some pretty weighty props :).

Recommended Books (endangered species edition)

8b6 Resources

This bestselling book has been a wake-up call for many people; read why.

8b6 Resources

Magnificent and sobering at the same time; a lifetime’s worth of animals.

8b6 Resources

Powerful portraits of species on the brink of extinction.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

Global Product Page

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8B: Global
8b6 Resources

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