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Guide 5A Food Webs


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
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Review Food Webs Contents

Food Webs Objectives

Functional Groups

Describe the ecosystem roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers; provide examples of organisms representing different functional groups; and explain how flowers relate to fruit and seeds.


Explain how energy is lost at each trophic (feeding) level; discuss the parts of a seed and the process of germination; and provide examples of commercially significant seeds.

Energy & Nutrients

Describe how energy flows and nutrients cycle within a food web; classify different types of dry and fleshy fruits; and provide examples of different forms of fruit and seed dispersal.


Explain the role of decomposers in nutrient cycling; define and provide examples of scavengers and detritivores; and list the characteristics and functions of bacteria and fungi.

Food Webs Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Food Webs Media

Introduced in Functional Groups section of this guide:

Patterns in Nature

In this media assignment you are going to find and capture evidence of a pattern in nature.  It could be a pattern or non-living system.  Examples of patterns (yours may be similar or different):
  • branching patterns in roots, branches, frost, veins
  • spiraling patterns in flowers, cones, water down a drain
  • sphere shape (reducing surface area) in a sleeping animal, a cactus
Note: this media piece would be a good fit for the Science Concepts portion of the final portfolio.  If you find multiple examples of patterns, you could arrange them in a “gallery” in the portfolio.
5a5 Products
Upload to Canvas:
  • Your media pieces showing a natural pattern.
  • an explanation of what the pattern is and either how it was created or why it may be important (whichever explanation fits your pattern better).
As always, if you engage in any field work, be aware and travel with others whenever possible.

Media Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Upload your patterns in nature media piece to Canvas.  Your work can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, a photo of the notes, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.


Portfolio Directions

This is a good point in the course to add your media pieces and favorite quiz responses to your final portfolio.  That way it will be coming together well before the due date (Wednesday of week 11 “finals week).  This pattern media piece is a good fit with the Science Concepts outcome.

Learn more about Food Webs

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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5A: Food Webs

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5B: Communities