Learning Outcomes
Sometimes it is nice to get a reward for a job well done.
Successfully complete the ten modules of Environmental Biology and earn the nine badges that represent facets of the three course outcomes: understanding concepts, practicing skills, and drawing connections between disciplines. Each of the three outcomes has a hierarchy of study from general science, to the life sciences (biology), and more specifically environmental biology (biodiversity, ecology, & conservation biology)

Science Concepts
perception, evidence, prediction, cause & effect, scale, quantity, continuity, change, matter, energy, patterns, systems & models, specimens, collections, tentative & durable, hypotheses, facts, theories, laws, science history, science fields

Science Skills
discovery (exploration, description, & explanation), reasoning, analysis, decision making, problem solving, reflecting, recording, note-taking, long-term studies & narration, science study skills, habits, practices

Science Connections
science news, science-related media, global issue,. science & culture, business/economy, science & the arts, science ethics, science products, events, institutions, science values, scientists, science-related jobs, science & technology, early naturalists

General Biology Concepts
complexity & organization, cells, structure & function, classification, evolutionary change, unity & diversity, inheritance, reproduction, development, life stages, regulation & feedback, physiology & mechanism, homeostasis, interdependence, interactions

General Biology Skills
observations, inferences, creativity & imagination, research design, library research, qualitative & quantitative, data collection, sampling, data management, data analysis, data visualization, synthesis & conclusions

General Biology Connections
lifelong learning plans, techniques, trips & destinations, informal education (museums, libraries, galleries), everyday science, kitchen science, garden science, science & local communities, citizen science, contemporary naturalists

Environmental Biology Concepts
sustainability, conservation, stewardship, climate change, endangered species, invasive species, energy sources, human impacts, pollution, recycling, crop organisms, soil food webs, mitigation

Environmental Biology Skills
safety (lab & field), field kits, equipment, field techniques, tracking, organism care, collecting & transporting specimens, reading tests & imagery, microscope analysis, self-analysis

Environmental Biology Connections
communicating about the environment, matching message to media, writing & journaling, drawing & painting, photos & videos, mixed media, science stories, generational learning