Module/Week 1
Safety Checklist
Recitation Media Piece
Building on the information in the Research Guide, develop a personal field and lab safety checklist that incorporates both habits and practices.
Recitation (the 50-minute activity) attendance is not required, but you are welcome to use that class time as office hours to ask your GTA questions, or study with classmates in 127 Weniger.
Assignment (due Sunday on Canvas)
Safety Checklist
For this assignment you will be submitting a personalized safety checklist. This checklist will include safety protocols for the laboratory and field. You can group the procedures under different headings like “lab safety” or “outdoor safety.” You can modify the list provided on the previous safety webpage.
Also include a brief list of safety habits and practices. Things you already do regularly and things you would like to add to your safety protocol.
Include in your safety checklist:
Safety procedures for both indoors activities (e.g. labs, kitchen, workshop, etc.) and outdoor activities (e.g. field work, gardening, hiking, etc.).
Personalized procedures for your location and equipment available. For example, you may include wearing a mask to reduce potential exposure to SARS-CoV-2 if visiting a museum, or wearing gloves if you are handling animal material.
- A brief labeled list of safety-related “habits” and “practices.”