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Guide 8B Global


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
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Review Global Contents

Global Objectives


Describe how air pollutants link to acid deposition and ozone depletion; provide examples of point source and non-point source water pollution; and list common soil contaminants and their possible impacts.

Climate Change

Describe current climate changes, including trends in surface temperature, ice, sea level, and ocean acidity; list potential impacts of climate change predicted by climate models as well as proposed solutions; and explore websites and determine whether they are quality sources of science information.

Endangered Species

List and describe the factors that typically put species in danger of extinction; provide examples of strategies used to attempt to save species from extinction; and explain what an invasive species and provide examples.


Provide examples of different microhabitats within larger ecosystems; describe what is happening to North American bats and why their loss may be significant; and tell the story of the Devil’s Hole pupfish, including how subtle changes in its microhabitat may lead to extinction.

Global Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Global Media

Introduced in Climate Change section of this guide:

Data Summary

We often read or hear about a story from the news and share it with others.  In the media piece, you are selecting data you find interesting from online resources and putting that data into a form that can be shared with others.  The data can be about the human population (discussed in Guide 8A) or climate change (this Guide 8B).  


1. Select an online data source that is likely to be a reliable source of information.  Here are three suggestions:

Population Reference Bureau Data:

NASA Climate Evidence:

NOAA Climate Data:

2.  State the web address of the online resource, so someone else could find the information, and briefly summarize why this is a quality source of science information, using the criteria introduced in this guide.

3.  From the online resource, select two data visualizations that you find interesting; each could be a graph, a table, a pie chart, etc.

4.  Explain each of the two data visualizations in your own words.  Include a description of the data, what the data indicates, and why you find the data interesting enough to share.

8b5 Products

You are turning in a piece about population or climate data that includes:

  • the website address (url) of the data source you are using and why you feel that online is a quality source of science information.

  • descriptions of two different data visualizations in your own words that includes: a description of the data, what the data indicates, and why you personally find this data interesting. 

If you include the original two data visualizations in your media piece, indicate the specific website page (url) that they came from.

This may fit well in the final portfolio with Environmental Biology Concepts or possibly Science Skills, depending on the focus of the media piece.

Media Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Once you have completed your data summary, upload it to Canvas.  Your media piece can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, a photo of the notes, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.


Portfolio Directions

This guide’s data summary media piece could be a good fit for the final portfolio.  If so, add it right into the portfolio now to save time later.

Learn more about Global

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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