Guide 10A Science Stories
Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
Review Science Stories Contents
Science Stories Quiz
Science Stories Media
Introduced in Message & Media section of this guide:
Mediated Experience
In science it can be critical to describe a phenomenon in a way that others feel they are sharing the experience. In this assignment you are creating a mediated multimedia multimodal experience (say that three times fast!):
Mediated: Select a primary experience you have had, or are currently having, related to science and/or nature that you can mediate (share) with someone who may not have had that experience.
Multimedia: Select two different media forms for mediating your experience. This could be photo and text, a video with picture and sound, a labeled sketch, or whatever best mediates the experience, bringing it to life for the audience.
Multimodal: Figure out what sensory information (modes) you want to incorporate into your description of the experience. This may mean finding a creative way to explain a sensory experience, like describing what something smells like or how it feel to the touch.
You will be uploading your mediated multimedia multimodal experience to Canvas. It will probably be self-explanatory, but if you would like to add additional information, you can use the comments box.
Since this media piece can go into your final field guide, you may want to tailor your experience towards a section that you have not thoroughly filled yet. For example, you may have a few quiz answers related to conservation biology but want to make your section more substantial. You could mediate an experience related to conservation biology and add it to the field guide.