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About this Guide

Best Buddies

We’ve all been there.  That moment when you realize your pet has become a family member.  For me, it was when I got sick and Tanji sniffed my head and stayed on guard while I recovered.  Yes, that is totally anthropomorphizing, but even the most science-oriented people dwell in areas that are not based purely on observation and evidence.  It’s a balance: just like something passing the “sniff test” for validity, we continually analyze whether the world we know is reality or what we want it to be. 

Just for Fun

Uschi takes out the competition.
The right way to start a day at the zoo (shot right before the pandemic).

Dogs vs. Cats

If you ask most people to list characteristics of dogs and cats, dogs are more likely to be described as loyal and trainable.  In most households, more effort is put towards training and socializing puppies than kittens.  Many young cats can be trained to use and even flush toilets.  We buckled on that one, but did stick to leash training.  The key is to start young, when learning is more likely to occur.

More than one

We often think of dogs as pack animals due to their wolf ancestry, and cats as solitary animals.  In either case, when adopting pets, two cats or two dogs are more likely better off than one.  In part it is shared species communication, grooming, and other physical interactions, but is also due to the likelihood that they would otherwise spend hours alone each day.  Unexpended energy may be spent on destructive activities.  This is Uschi and Tanji the day we adopted them, their brother Vladi (above) was born a year later.

What’s with the catnip?

About 2/3 of domestic cats have a response to nepetalactone, a chemical found in common catnip (Nepeta cataria).  This appears to be a genetically-based response that increase nervous system activity for 5-15 minutes until the cat’s olfactory cells fatigue.  Large cats species, including pumas and leopards, also respond to catnip.



Taking a break at an interpretive center in upstate New York. Are these antlers or horns?

Ungulate Country

Taking a break at an interpretive center in upstate New York. Are these antlers or horns?
Even in regions that no longer have buffalo herds, there are reminders of their cultural impact.

Buffalo Echoes

Even in regions that no longer have buffalo herds, there are reminders of their cultural impact.
Mark pets a fox thats being rehabilitated and trained for educational interactions.
Lesley gets outsmarted by deer (a LOT of deer).
There is something surreal about animal parks; collections of animals that would typically never be seen together.
If you want to improve drawing and painting skills, start with a subject you like spending time with.

Cat Art

If you want to improve drawing and painting skills, start with a subject you like spending time with.
Bengal cats are a new cat breed and still have a great deal of diversity in phenotypes. All three of the boys are brothers, but structurally very different.


Bengal cats are a new cat breed and still have a great deal of diversity in phenotypes. All three of the boys are brothers, but structurally very different.
Domestic cats and extinct Saber Tooth Cats likely share more than structural similarities; hunting behaviors also may have similarities.

Feline Tendencies

Domestic cats and extinct Saber Tooth Cats likely share more than structural similarities; hunting behaviors also may have similarities.
Maybe it's not a real cat breed, but in the name of science teaching, we had to have this cake.

Hello Kitty

Maybe it’s not a real cat breed, but in the name of science teaching, we had to have this cake.

Recommended Books

Nature Study at its best: part science and part real-world experiences.

Nature Study at its best: part science and part real-world experiences.

Even if you don't like spiders now, you may after reading this book!

Even if you don't like spiders now, you may after reading this book!

Its a guilty pleasure: the amazing photos in the Eyewitness series.

Its a guilty pleasure: the amazing photos in the Eyewitness series.

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Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

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