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5p2 Feeding Plan
Module/Week 5

Feeding Plan

Recitation Media Piece
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5p2 Feeding Plan

Feeding Plan Objective

Develop an animal feeding plan that incorporates biological concepts.

Recitation (the 50-minute activity) attendance is not required, but you are welcome to use that class time as office hours to ask your GTA questions, or study with classmates in 127 Weniger.

Assignment (due Sunday on Canvas)

Animal feeding is also discussed in the Nutrients & Energy guide:

Feeding Plan

For this assignment you will be developing a feeding plan for an animal species of your choice.  This can be a farm animal, a pet, or a wild animal that is being fed, like the hummingbirds.  This can be an animal you are currently caring for, have cared for in the past, or may care for in the future.
Include in the plan you are submitting:
  • the common and scientific name (Genus species) of your animal.
  • the animal’s functional classification (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore) and what the animal (or its ancestors) eats/ate in the wild.
  • a list of the food(s) you need to provide on a regular basis to supply the animal’s required nutrients and energy sources.  This list may vary by season, age of the animal, or reproductive stage.  It can include recipes and cite resources with additional information, if desired.
5p2 Feeding Plan

Media Directions

Submitted to Canvas. 
Upload your feeding plan to Canvas.  Your plan can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, captioned photos, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.

Learn more about this Module’s Topics

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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Module 5


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