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3a2 Photography

Photography Capturing Moments in Time & Space

3a2 Photography
3a2 Photography

Photography Objectives

  • Describe different ways photographs have been, and are currently used, in science.
  • List basic photographic principles that can be used to capture information about animal structures and behaviors.
Science photos are forms of data that can reveal hidden worlds and extend the potential of human observation.
People often ask us why we picked science careers.  Study sites like this one are part of the reason.  This section introduces science photography.
These are Juga snails that were part of a research project looking at the impact of clear cutting (complete removal of trees) on stream organisms.  
Snails were photographed to determine approximate sizes at different time in a growing season to determine growth rates. 

Photography is now used extensively in science to extend observational range.

Photography History

Microscope Photography

Since science is based on observation and organism structures can be quite small, magnification has been key in understanding biological phenomena
Up to 2000x, the most commonly used microscope.

Light (optical) microscope

Up to 2000x, the most commonly used microscope.
Up to 10,000,000x magnification.

Electron microscope

Up to 10,000,000x magnification.

Special Microscopic Imagery

In addition to enhanced magnification, special techniques can illuminate features that would otherwise be undetected by the human eye.
Repeated images are captured to watch cellular activities

Live-cell imaging

Repeated images are captured to watch cellular activities
Special lights and filters expand the range of light used to illuminate details.


Special lights and filters expand the range of light used to illuminate details.
Different light wavelengths are used to reveal otherwise unseen details.


Different light wavelengths are used to reveal otherwise unseen details.

Telescope Photographs

Observatories and space-based telescopes have extended photographs beyond the visible spectrum.
Super-optics: visible and some UV

The Hubble Telescope

Super-optics: visible and some UV
X-ray optics: x-ray astronomy

The Chandra Observatory

X-ray optics: x-ray astronomy
Infrared radiation

The Webb and Spitzer Telescopes

Infrared radiation

Are you producing excellent science photos?

These awards celebrate high quality photographs.
NSF's International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge

NSF's International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge

Nikon's Small World

Nikon's Small World

Animal Photography Basics

Effective photos convey information and basic planning can result in quality photographic data and stories.

This is our list: add to these based on your own experiences.

To-do in advance: 

Tasks to complete prior to photography projects

Find out what your camera can do, including exposure control, magnification, and focus. Practice rapid set-up, including setting up tripod mounts, lenses, and flashes.

Know Your Gear

Find out what your camera can do, including exposure control, magnification, and focus. Practice rapid set-up, including setting up tripod mounts, lenses, and flashes.
research the animal you are thinking of photographing, looking for special features, good poses, and something unique. Awareness of habitat, structures and behaviors make encounters more likely and productive.

Know Your Subject

research the animal you are thinking of photographing, looking for special features, good poses, and something unique. Awareness of habitat, structures and behaviors make encounters more likely and productive.
Carry your camera with you whenever possible (battery charged, card empty). Sometimes less expensive more portable cameras are necessary to capture unexpected photos.

Carry Your Camera

Carry your camera with you whenever possible (battery charged, card empty). Sometimes less expensive more portable cameras are necessary to capture unexpected photos.
Some of the best animal photos take patience, waiting for the animal to arrive and strike the desired pose. Prepare alternate tasks to complete at the same time: reading, journaling, catching up on coursework.

Alternate Activities

Some of the best animal photos take patience, waiting for the animal to arrive and strike the desired pose. Prepare alternate tasks to complete at the same time: reading, journaling, catching up on coursework.

To-do while photographing:

Review this list periodically to be prepared to capture animals in action

Dawn has the most reliable nature lighting, followed by dusk. Mid-day light can lead to overexposure which is difficult to correct. Get the light source behind you, whenever possible

Pick Good Light

Dawn has the most reliable nature lighting, followed by dusk. Mid-day light can lead to overexposure which is difficult to correct. Get the light source behind you, whenever possible
Some of the best photos are unintentional. Take numerous photos from different angles and at different settings; you can always delete later.

Numerous Photos

Some of the best photos are unintentional. Take numerous photos from different angles and at different settings; you can always delete later.
Use different lenses and filters while taking photos and/or alter photos later on. Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom offer advance photo editing options.

Different Lenses & Filters

Use different lenses and filters while taking photos and/or alter photos later on. Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom offer advance photo editing options.
Treat photos like field notes, capture descriptive information, personal impressions, and multiple views (ground, eye level, overhead). Take a panoramic wide view and a narrow close view.

Different Perspectives

Treat photos like field notes, capture descriptive information, personal impressions, and multiple views (ground, eye level, overhead). Take a panoramic wide view and a narrow close view.
In the next media assignment you will be writing notes and also taking photos as forms of data to answer the three research questions:
  • What is the population size?
  • How is the population distributed?
  • Is there evidence of interactions within the population and/or interactions of the population with other species?
Your photos will capture different perspectives of the population “captured” within your quadrat: ground-level view, eye-level view, and overhead view (if applicable).
These photos will tell the story of your experience at your research location and answer the research questions.
3a2 Photography
In the next section you will learn more about populations you will be studying for this module’s media asignment, including size and distribution.
3a2 Photography
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe different ways photographs have been, and are currently used, in science?
  • list basic photographic principles that can be used to capture information about animal structures and behaviors?
Go back to the Data & Sampling Page
Go forward to the Population Data Page

Data Collection Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.

Back to Data

Module 3

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3A: Data Collection

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3A: Quiz & Media

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