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8b6 Resources
Guide 8B Gene Tech


Additional activities, a behind-the-scenes gallery, recommended books, and more.
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About this Guide

Something New

One of the great things about a career in teaching science is hearing about advances in science knowledge as they happen.   I’ve had a chance to experience the start of epigenetics as a field, rising interest in the microbiome of bacteria living within humans, new drugs like antivirals, and now the creation of entirely new organisms with genetic technologies.  It is sometimes alarming, but always exciting!

Additional Activities

They are called “junk journals” because they are often constructed from old book covers and scrap papers, but they can be quite intricate.  An interesting journal may motivate data collection and production of more elaborate data visualizations.  

Local Hatcheries

If you don’t have farms to visit in your area, you may have fish hatcheries raising generations of animals for food consumption or release into waterways.  Most have interpretive signage and the ability to interact with some of the fish.  The animal care involved in keeping thousands of animals healthy with minimal expenditures is fascinating.


A freshwater aquarium can be relatively inexpensive to set up and low maintenance for many years of study.  Key considerations are whether you are keeping cool or warm water fish (need a heater), whether the fish are from faster moving water (need more aeration) and whether they need live foods which can be more costly.  Purchase a large tank if possible to minimize fluctuations in water conditions, and add animals slowly after nitrogen-processing bacteria and plants have had an opportunity to establish in the substrate.


If you live by water, and so many humans do, the cultural impact of fish is probably something reflected in a wide range of art and collectibles.

Fish Display

If you live by water, and so many humans do, the cultural impact of fish is probably something reflected in a wide range of art and collectibles.
We spend most of our time learning outside of the conventional classroom walls and hope you do too!

Best Classroom

We spend most of our time learning outside of the conventional classroom walls and hope you do too!
8b6 Resources

Hurry up and Wait

Mark gets the shot of fish fry and adult trout by waiting long enough for them to habituate (ignore).
Somehow we ended up at the beach even though we were videoing freshwater fish.  If you haven’t been to a beach in a while, here is a minute recap.

Recommended Books (data visualizations edition)

Learn from the best: Nigel Holmes has had a significant impact on data presentation.

Learn from the best: Nigel Holmes has had a significant impact on data presentation.

Any Edward Tufte book is worth having: data takes on a new life.

Any Edward Tufte book is worth having: data takes on a new life.

Modern updates on data visualization and the conversion of data to knowledge.

Modern updates on data visualization and the conversion of data to knowledge.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

Gene Tech Product Page

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Module 8 Overview

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8B: Gene Tech

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9: Behaviors