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Guide 9A Fitness


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
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Review Fitness Contents

Fitness Objectives

Innate & Learned

Explain what an innate behavior is and provide specific examples of genetically determined behaviors; and explain what a learned behavior is and provide specific examples of behaviors altered by experiences.


Summarize how sexual reproduction impacts variation; list potential problems associated with successfully reproducing; and describe the relationship of reproduction to fitness.

Sexual Selection

Provide examples of both simple and elaborate animal mating behaviors, and the potential advantages and disadvantages of each; and explain how animals may compete with other member of their sex within their species.

Science Stories

Provide examples of forms and characteristics of science storytelling; and select a form of story that you are most likely to learn from over time.

Fitness Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Fitness Media

Introduced in Science Stories section of this guide:

Science Story

You are creating a science story for this media piece.  
  • Select a concept, skill, or connection that you would like to develop into a story.  You may want to choose one of the nine course learning outcomes that you need to fill for the final portfolio.  For example, if you need a Biology Connection, you may want to tell a story about a museum or zoo you have visited.
  • Determine how you will make your story an engaging (accessible, unique, and/or enlightening) experience (discovery, interaction, and/or synthesis) for the story’s audience.
  • Select a story form that best fits the engaging science experience you are creating.  It could be an exploration, description, explanation, directions, narrative, or persuasive piece.  It could also be a combination of these forms.
  • Create your story.  It could be all written, a labeled photo essay, a comic strip, mixed media, or whichever form you feel works best for your goals.
9a5 Products

Media Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Once completed, upload your science story to Canvas.  Your story can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, a photo of the notes, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.

Animal Biology Portfolio

Portfolio Directions

Continue adding your quiz answers and media pieces to the final animal biology portfolio.  Match your work with one of the nine course learning outcomes.  You can review the portfolio requirements here.  Next week in Guide 10A you will be writing the introduction page that goes with the nine sections.


If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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Module 9 Overview

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9A: Fitness

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9B: Societies