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Guide 1B Research


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
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Review Research Contents

Research Objectives


List and personalize essential laboratory and field safety procedures; distinguish between laboratory and field work; and list essential considerations in planning field work.

Field Work

Build a field kit tailored for interactions with animals in both laboratory and field settings; describe climate characteristics of various habitats; and match climate characteristics to corresponding animal species adaptations.


Define stewardship including how it can relate safety considerations; explain how stewardship relates to responsible animal care and handling; and describe and provide examples of various ways humans interact with other animal species.

Artificial Selection

Compare artificial selection to natural selection including what they have in common and how they differ; list multiple examples of artificial selection in animal species; and provide possible explanations of how dogs descended from wolves, including the role and potential problems associated with artificial selection.

Research Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Research Media

Introduced in Field Work section of this guide:

Field Kit

In this assignment you will be assembling a field kit for potential laboratory and field work with animals.  When complete, upload a photo to Canvas, and you can add information to the comment box provided, if desired. 
You do not need to make purchases for this assignment, assemble what you have.  Be creative!  You can add a note if there is something you will acquire at a later date.  
1b5 Products

Your field kit should contain:

Safety Gear:  could be a smaller safety kit, a list of safety instructions (can be modified from Lesley’s list), and/or other safety materials you feel are important.  Consider any safety considerations you may have related to animals, like allergies.

Weather Gear: could include a hat, sunscreen, heavy clothes, whatever you feel you will need to use in your weather conditions.

Map(s): directions to at least two locations where you think your will find animals nearby.  This can be in a building or outdoors.  The map or maps can be on a digital device (arranged in the field kit photo) or printed out.

Data Collection Materials: could include a ruler, watch/timer, camera phone, journal, note pad, pencils, plastic bags, binoculars or whatever else you come up with.

A Creative/Personal Addition: could be a towel (for fans of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy), camping gear, a compass, a box for specimen storage, or something innovative for collecting information about animals.

Something to Carry Everything in: could be a backpack, a garbage bag (we’ve used these), a bucket, or whatever you plan to use.

Media Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Upload your field kit assignment to Canvas.  You can submit a PDF, a word document, a photo of the notes, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.

Animal Biology Portfolio

Portfolio Directions

Typically each week you will have about an hour’s worth of work on your Animal Biology Portfolio that is due the Wednesday of Final Exam week (week 11).  The portfolio will be introduced next week in Module 2.

This week, since you did the “start BI 101 here” Canvas pages that took about an hour, there is no portfolio assignment.  You can look at those Canvas pages about the course again, if you like:

Learn more about Research

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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Module 1 Overview

This Guide

1B: Research

Next Module

2: Observations