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1b6 Resources
Guide 1B Research


Additional activities, a behind-the-scenes gallery, recommended books, and more.
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About this Guide

1b6 Resources

Out There

One of the challenges of the pandemic is how to have experiences while remaining safe from virus exposure.  Field activities, even in a local park or backyard, can reconnect us with the seasons and the pace of the natural world.  That being said, we usually recommend going into the field with someone for safety, it may be a member of our households until we leave isolation.  If you are not able to get outdoors, we will provide as many videos and photos as possible.

Study Hints

Should you do this course on a device or in the older handmade format?
Why not the best of both worlds?

Additional Activities

Emergency Preparedness

Develop a safety plan for potential natural disasters in your area, or in an area you are visiting.  For example, in areas of Oregon it is necessary to be prepared for possible earthquakes, tsunamis, and wildfires.  Being prepared may include a planned meeting space for friends/family in case communications are unavailable, a week’s supplies of food for you and your pets, and adequate medications for an extended period of time.  Research and develop a plan that fits your location.


Dog Show

If you haven’t attended a dog show, this is something to look forward to!  Especially at smaller shows; breeders, owners, and handlers are often willing to explain the genetics and decision-making process in producing their chose dog breed.  It is the perfect environment to learn about the genetic “nature” and environmental “nurture” impacts on animal structures and behaviors.


We believe field work should be accessible to everyone, the learning experiences are rich and distinct from laboratory experiences.  Lesley has a mobility impairment; we work out creative ways to incorporate field work into our teaching.
Equipment is available to augment experiences in the field. On days that are more sitting than walking, extra time spent and a different perspective can lead to unique discoveries.

Field Gear

Equipment is available to augment experiences in the field. On days that are more sitting than walking, extra time spent and a different perspective can lead to unique discoveries.
A recent addition to our yard is an ADA-style trail. Animals, including deer and fox, regularly use the trail; seed and fruit-filled feeders insure the animals come to us.

Accessible Trail

A recent addition to our yard is an ADA-style trail. Animals, including deer and fox, regularly use the trail; seed and fruit-filled feeders insure the animals come to us.
University of Oregon in Eugene, OR has an interesting exhibit on dog and horse evolution, showcasing a variety of fossils.

Learn more about Dog Evolution

University of Oregon in Eugene, OR has an interesting exhibit on dog and horse evolution, showcasing a variety of fossils.
We use our cricket colony for display in different locations. The crickets are hardy enough to survive differences in lighting and temperature.

Traveling Crickets

We use our cricket colony for display in different locations. The crickets are hardy enough to survive differences in lighting and temperature.

Recommended Books

Include a safety manual or game in your library to teach basics to your household.

Include a safety manual or game in your library to teach basics to your household.

A well-photographed look at the incredible variety of dog breeds.

A well-photographed look at the incredible variety of dog breeds.

Learn advanced field research techniques to experience nature in a new way.

Learn advanced field research techniques to experience nature in a new way.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

Research Product Page

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Module 1 Overview

This Guide

1B: Research

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2: Observations