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7a6 Resources
Guide 7A Geologic Time


Additional activities, a behind-the-scenes gallery, recommended books, and more.
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About this Guide

Travel in Time

Most people at some point in their lives wonder what it would have been like to live in some other time, a recent or distant past.  We live in a time when visiting the past is more possible than ever.  Whether it’s visiting an online natural history museum, reading the work of science historians, or immersing in augmented reality, it’s possible to adopt a point in time to study in depth.  When our time seems a bit overwhelming, dipping into the past is eye-opening and rejuvenating.

Additional Activities

Compelling art makes geologic time even more interesting.

Terrific Tourist Traps

They are easy to drive right by, but some of the most interesting museums are small handmade endeavors that receive little attention.  Enthusiasts collect and make artifacts around a limited topic, in some cases presenting information in a unique and compelling manner.  Look for the less traveled paths.

Dino Games

Children’s educational toys can range from educational and entertaining to really questionable; but dinosaur toys are unique in their quality and quantity.  Models, simulated fossil dig kits, digital animations, and replicas can be high quality.  Select a dinosaur group of interest and build an educational collection.


If fossils are not within a legal collection zone, photography is a great alternative.

Minimal Impact

If fossils are not within a legal collection zone, photography is a great alternative.
This slide contains a carefully placed arrangement of Formanifera, small snail-like protist species.

Arranged Fossils

This slide contains a carefully placed arrangement of Formanifera, small snail-like protist species.
Full-sized models are an opportunity to view organisms from different perspectives, experiencing what it may have been like to interact with organisms of the past.


Full-sized models are an opportunity to view organisms from different perspectives, experiencing what it may have been like to interact with organisms of the past.
You can take it with you: capturing leaves, mini specimen bags, notes, receipts, and other ephemera between the pages.

Journal for Everything

You can take it with you: capturing leaves, mini specimen bags, notes, receipts, and other ephemera between the pages.
The temperate rainforest along the Oregon Coast includes ferns and mosses similar to those found far back in the fossil record.
Sometimes it does feel like stepping back in time.

Recommended Books

Interesting illustrations and a top science writer send you back in time.

Interesting illustrations and a top science writer send you back in time.

Smithsonian + dinosaurs = can't miss.

Smithsonian + dinosaurs = can't miss.

Fossil books can contain ID information not located anywhere else.

Fossil books can contain ID information not located anywhere else.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

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7A: Geologic Time

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7B: Complexity