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3A Data Collection
3A Data Collection

Data Collection Lecture

Capturing information about nature

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In this guide you will be collecting and organizing different forms of animal data.

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Data Collection Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

Data Collection Lecture Objectives

Data & Sampling

Provide examples of different forms of data about the natural world; describe the types of information data can convey; and discuss the techniques, benefits, and limitations of sampling from a larger population.


Describe different ways photographs have been, and are currently used, in science; and list basic photographic principles that can be used to capture information about animal structures and behaviors.

Population Data

Define what a population is and provide examples; read a population size chart, including identifying carrying capacity and providing examples of things that can limit a population’s carrying capacity; and analyze different forms of population data including population distribution.


Provide examples of intraspecific and interspecific competition impacts on population size; describe how competition relates to the potential impact of an invasive species on native species; and summarize and support with examples the risks and benefits of territorial behavior.

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