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1A Knowledge
1A Knowledge

Knowledge Lecture

Explore, describe, and explain the natural world.

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In this guide we explore how science discovery leads to knowledge about nature.

Video Overview

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Knowledge Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

Knowledge Lecture Objectives

Science Discovery

List examples of science fields; explain how science fields are distinguished from other fields of study; and describe the process of science discovery, including examples of exploration, description, and explanation.

Natural Selection

Describe Darwin’s voyage and research that led to description and explanation of evolution; explain how science is only one way of knowing about the world; and provide the assumptions of the theory of natural selection, and examples of natural selection in action shaping species over time.


Read a phylogenetic tree to determine the relatedness of different species; list the basic characteristics of animals; and describe the specific characteristics that distinguish Annelid worms from other animal species.

Functional Groups

Provide the functional classification of various animals; and describe structures animals use for feeding and how they relate to functional roles.

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