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7B Complexity
7B Complexity


Developing Science Knowledge

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In this guide you will learn how data can become science knowledge and forms of media that communicate information about animals.

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Complexity Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

Complexity Objectives

Science Knowledge

Provide examples of different forms of science media, and distinguish between primary and mediated experiences; and distinguish between data, information, knowledge and wisdom and provide examples of each.


Compare and contrast forms of speciation, including examples and the role of genetic analysis in tracking speciation; and define coevolution and give examples of species that are impacting each other over time, including origins of eukaryotes.


Define and provide examples of symbiosis, including parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism.

Marine Invertebrates

List examples of organisms in several marine invertebrate phyla, including their distinct structures and behaviors; and summarize the structural characteristics, representative organisms, and ecosystem significance of cnidarian species.

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