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7p2 Portfolio Update
Module/Week 7

Portfolio Update

Recitation Media Piece
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7p2 Portfolio Update

Portfolio Update Objective

Assemble and turn in one of the nine outcome sections of the final portfolio.

Recitation (the 50-minute activity) attendance is not required, but you are welcome to use that class time as office hours to ask your GTA questions, or study with classmates in 127 Weniger.

Assignment (due Sunday on Canvas)

The portfolio is also discussed in the Symbiosis webpage:

Portfolio Update

In this media piece, you are assembling and turning in one of the nine learning outcome sections of your final portfolio. This is a combination of media pieces and quiz responses that substantially demonstrate achievement of an outcome.  
The final portfolio will have nine sections, one representing each learning outcome.  You will be making an introduction page week #10 as a media piece.  If you would like to re-watch any of the portfolio videos, they are available on the portfolio webpage.
For this portfolio update media piece you are turning in a completed part of your final portfolio; one of the nine learning outcome sections:
7p2 Portfolio Update
  • Use the format your final portfolio will be in.  For example, this may be a powerpoint slide, a handmade journal page, a webpage, or whatever format you are using.  If you are hosting your portfolio on a website, you can submit the web address in the comment box.  Make sure the graders have access to whatever you are submitting.
  • Label the page/slide with which learning outcome is being met (for example: biology concept; science skills; or animal biology connection).
  • Include your original work that represents the learning outcome. This needs to be substantial.  For example, you have have one entire media piece and a few quiz answers representing a single learning outcome.  If you have personally made media from experiences outside the course that you would like to include, that is fine.
  • Along with your work representing the learning outcome, include a sentence or two that states how your work matches this particular outcome.  For example, if you made a painting of a fruit fly to teach about their life cycle, you could state how your painting was an example of an animal biology connection.
  • If you utilize anyone else’s work, like a photo from the internet, it needs to be fully cited (accessible web address) next to the work.  Note that we are only crediting and grading your personal and original work, so you can include other cited images for reference, but they will not make up your final portfolio grade.
If you have already completed more than one section/outcome in your final portfolio, you can upload to Canvas what you have completed.  Please include a comment in the comment box which section is the one to grade for this assignment.

Media Directions

Submitted to Canvas. 
Upload your portfolio update to Canvas.  Your piece can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, presentation slides, photos with captions, a narrated video, etc. Multiple assignment formats are supported.

Learn more about this Module’s Topics

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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Module 7


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