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4a2 Linnaeus

Linnaeus Father of Taxonomy

4a2 Linnaeus
4a2 Linnaeus

Linnaeus Objectives

  • Summarize Linnaeus’ classification system and use it to classify various animal species.
  • Explain what a species is, how they are named, and how physical appearance may not be sufficient for distinguishing between different species.
4a2 Linnaeus
Generations before Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel, Carl Linnaeus devised a classification scheme to manage the growing number of discovered species.  His work impacts us to this day.
This is his story.
4a2 Linnaeus
One of the groups Linnaeus classified was the Corvidae.
The Corvids include the crows, ravens, jays, and magpies.
Corvidae intelligence has fascinated humans for thousands of years.  Corvids are recorded in Egyptian pyramids and painted in Greek temples.
Here an American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) is feeding in a fast food drive-through lane, but easily eluding the cars.
4a2 Linnaeus
Corvids are included in many art pieces, including works of fiction.  Their behaviors and structures are represented richly; demonstrating knowledge about animals is acquired from many fields, not just science.
If you have never read it, here is a link to The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.


4a2 Linnaeus
The term “species” is a human construct; it is a term we use to distinguish between different groups of organisms that are not sharing genetic information.  In other words successfully breeding and inheritance would only occur within a species.
But, as with many things in nature, it’s not always that simple.

Species: organisms potentially able to interbreed

Population: members of the same species more likely to interbreed, usually because of close proximity and access

This video provides an overview of what is meant by the word “species.”

There are more insect species that any other Class of animals.  The next section provides an overview of these successful species.

4a2 Linnaeus
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • summarize Linnaeus’ classification system and use it to classify various animal species?
  • explain what a species is, how they are named, and how physical appearance may not be sufficient for distinguishing between different species?
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Classification Lecture Guide Contents

The material from this guide and corresponding lecture is assessed on the weekly quiz.

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