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7B Habitat
7B Habitat


Human Population & Ecology

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In this guide we explore humans and our relationship with the natural world.

Reminder: we do not have lecture Thursday in observance of Veterans Day

Video Overview

We will begin with this guide overview video.

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Habitat Guide Contents

This guide’s material will be assessed on the weekly quiz.

Habitat Objectives

Human Population

Explain how we (humans) have raised our carrying capacity and describe how this relates to trends in life expectancy, infant mortality, fertility rate, and overall growth; and match different forms of data visualization with the information that is being conveyed.

Human Ecology

Map the distribution of humans on earth; describe how humans can change environments over time using historical examples; and provide examples of human interactions with other species, including parasites and organisms used for food.

Land Use

Describe how humans primarily utilize land and various issues associated with land use; explain which resources are critical to agriculture; and provide examples of efforts to balance multiple land stakeholders with wildlife requirements.


List the three basic components of topsoil; describe the composition and characteristics of different soil types; and provide examples of organisms commonly found in soil food webs.

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