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7b3 Land Use

Land Use Agriculture, Industry, & More

7b3 Land Use
7b3 Land Use

Land Use Objectives

  • Describe how humans primarily utilize land and various issues associated with land use.

  • Explain which resources are critical to agriculture.

  • Provide examples of efforts to balance multiple land stakeholders with wildlife requirements.

How do humans primarily use land?  We begin with a video that provides the answer, as well as land issues that arise.

Every bit of land may count.  Railroad tracks typically have land buffering both sides of the track.  These strips can be utilized as habitat by some species.


In montane areas, the excavation of land for roads and railroads speeds erosion and loss of soil.  When coupled with rain and snow melt, the erosion can be dramatic with dangerous land slides.  Balancing the need for transportation with land development continues to be a significant land issue.



7b3 Land Use

For decades people have asked which area of research I would recommend for study, and my answer has always been agricultural or medical research.  Our population will continue to need agricultural and medical research as we continue to grow in number.  Additionally, we are trying to develop a way to conserve biodiversity, and all of this is requiring learning perspectives and practices. 

This may be the dawn of contemporary agriculture.  In many countries, including the United States, people who live closely with the land are often the individuals who enact solutions.  For example, my first research site was a wildlife preserve managed by Ducks Unlimited, a hunting organization.  Some of the U.S. endangered species like the black-footed ferret are managed by ranchers.  Agriculture is battling issues like desertification, soil depletion, and urban sprawl while exploring organic practices and in some cases maintaining strips of habitat.

Agriculture not only is necessary for our survival, it is interwoven with our culture.  This video uses two craft pieces to discuss resources critical to successful agriculture.  What are they?

We are back at the E.E. Wilson Area that was introduced in the previous section.  Wildlife habitat is balanced with human recreational activities.  Who are the potential stakeholders at this wildlife area?

Balancing recreational use and wildlife is way to raise funds that maintain and improve sites.  Hunting licenses helped fund accessible trails, docks, and educational signs.  It also was used for fencing, pond dredging, and a number of other habitat maintenance tasks.

The Finley Wildlife Refuge that supports migrating Canada Geese and other species has a partnership with local farmers that supplies wildlife forage.  This is one example of balancing agricultural use with wildlife needs.

The next section focuses in on soils, including their composition and significance.
7b3 Land Use
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe how humans primarily utilize land and various issues associated with land use?

  • explain which resources are critical to agriculture?

  • provide examples of efforts to balance multiple land stakeholders with wildlife requirements?

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Go forward to the Soils Page

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This guide’s material will be assessed on the weekly quiz.

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