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3B Plants


Classification, Structures, & Reproduction

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In this guide we explore plant functions and classification based on structures.

Video Overview

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Plants Lecture Guide Contents

This guide and lecture material are assessed on the weekly quiz.

Plants Objectives

Plant Classification

Revisit Linnaean classification, including the hierarchy of groups from Domain to species; describe how plants are generally classified starting with non-vascular plants through angiosperms; and if provided a plant, classify it using these terms: non-vascular or vascular, spore-bearing or seed-bearing, a gymnosperm or an angiosperm, a monocot or a dicot.


Describe plant structures that we consume, including the vegetables developed from Brassica oleracea; and provide the characteristics of leaves, including the structures involved in gas exchange and photosynthesis.

Stems & Roots

Describe the visible and microscopic structures of stems  as well as their corresponding functions; and identify root structures and explain why re-potting a plant can negatively impact its health.

Plant Reproduction

Describe asexual reproduction and provide examples of plants that can reproduce in this manner; and label various flower structures and their corresponding functions, including the distinction between wind-pollinated flowers and animal-pollinated flowers.

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