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Marine Invertebrates Laboratory & Media Piece

6p1 Marine Invertebrates
6p1 Marine Invertebrates

Marine Invertebrates Objective

Develop a media piece that you could use in the field to identify organisms representing five marine invertebrate phyla.

Background for this assignment.

The final webpage of the Organism Care Guide introduces six marine invertebrate phyla, you will be selecting five of these for this media piece.

Media Piece Assignment

Marine Invertebrate Phyla

You may encounter marine invertebrate phyla visiting an aquarium, studying a tide pool, setting up a marine tank, or diving off a coral reef.  Develop a media piece that you could use to identify organisms representing five marine invertebrate phyla.  In addition to the lab material, you can reference the information on six marine invertebrate phyla in this week’s organism care guide.
Include in your media piece & upload to Canvas:
1.  Characteristics of each of the five phyla you choose to include (or all six, if desired).
2.  Representative organisms for each of the five phyla.
3.  A statement indicating how you are most likely to encounter marine invertebrates in the future (aquarium trip, field experience, diving vacation, etc.).
6p1 Marine Invertebrates

Work Ahead

If you would like to work ahead, you can start the text portion of the media piece (descriptions of the phyla) by reading the marine invertebrate webpage.  You can sketch organisms from videos on that page and also the coral reef page.  There are additional videos to sketch from on this module’s resource page.

Media Directions

Submitted to Canvas. 
Upload your marine invertebrates phyla media to Canvas.  Your work can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, a photo of the notes, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.

Learn more about this Module

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this module, please visit the resources page.

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