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6a4 Marine Invertebrates

Marine Invertebrates Diversity & Relationships

6a4 Marine Invertebrates
6a4 Marine Invertebrates

Marine Invertebrates Objectives

For six of the marine invertebrate phyla (Porifera, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Annelidia, Crustacea):

  • Describe the key characteristics of the phylum.
  • List examples of organisms in the phylum.
Whether you are exploring a tide pool along the coast, snorkeling in a coral reef, or setting up a saltwater aquarium at home, marine invertebrates are the diverse and attention-grabbing animals of ocean habitats.
This video introduces marine invertebrates you are likely to encounter.

Select the tab of each invertebrate phylum for additional information

Phylum Porifera
Porifera (pronounce: pore-if-er-a) are commonly called the sponges.  These are structurally simple animals with no distinct organs.  Porifera means “pore-bearing,” and the pores are openings through which water and the microorganisms they eat enter, and wastes leave.

This is an alternate view of the six commonly encountered Phyla of marine invertebrates.

These are photos of a few of the species we’ve kept in our tanks.
These “sexy shrimp” as they are called in the pet trade, communicate through their movements.   These shrimp have just come together after I startled them cleaning the tank. glass.  
What Phylum are shrimp classified in? 
Sponges may be simpler than other animals in structure, but they still have interesting structures that vary by species.
Which Phylum are sponges classified in?
6a4 Marine Invertebrates
Looking for a challenge?  How many different Phyla are represented by the organisms in these sketches?
This is the end of the Organism Care Guide.  The material from this guide and corresponding lecture, as well as the next Short-Term Guide will be assessed on the weekly quiz.
6a4 Marine Invertebrates
Check your knowledge.  Can you:

For six of the marine invertebrate phyla (Porifera, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Annelidia, Crustacea):

  • describe the key characteristics of the phylum?
  • list examples of organisms in the phylum?
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Organism Care Lecture Guide Contents

This guide and lecture material are assessed on the weekly quiz.
Marine Invertebrates - YOU ARE HERE

Marine Invertebrates - YOU ARE HERE

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