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4A Animals
4A Animals


Movement and Complexity

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In this guide we are viewing animals and studying their basic characteristics.

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Animals Lecture Guide Contents

This guide and lecture material are assessed on the weekly quiz.

Animals Objectives

Animal Characteristics

List the basic shared characteristics of animals species; describe the flexible nature of animal tissues and the size difference between eggs and sperm; and provide the characteristics of two Carnivoras, bears and otters.


List the general characteristics of arthropod invertebrates and provide examples of crustaceans, insects, and arachnids.


List insect characteristics, including the traits that set insects apart from other arthropod invertebrates; and provide examples of insects representing different Orders.


List the major vertebrate animal groups and provide examples of a species in each group; describe the evolutionary origins, shared structures, and modern descendants of reptiles; and provide the characteristics of lizards and reptiles, including concerns associated with studying or caring for these species.

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