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1B Biosphere
1B Biosphere

Biosphere Lecture

Atmosphere, hydrosphere, & lithosphere.

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In this guide we examine how specific parts of the biosphere relate to life on Earth.

Video Overview

We will begin with this guide overview video.

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Biosphere Lecture Guide Contents

This guide and corresponding lecture material are assessed on the weekly quiz.

Biosphere Objectives


Describe the basic composition of Earth’s atmosphere, including how atmospheric gases relate to ozone depletion and acid rain; and explain the greenhouse effect including how it relates to Earth’s climate.


Describe what a biogeochemical cycle is, providing examples of these nutrient cycles including sinks and the role of organisms; list key properties of the water molecule that make it significant for life as we know it; and describe ways water relates to the structures and distribution of plants.


Explain the significance of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle; and describe impacts on terrestrial ecosystems, including wind and soil erosion.

Climate & Biomes

Explain how sunlight distribution leads to varied ecosystems at different latitudes; and describe the impact of topography, including altitude, north vs. south-facing slopes, and east vs. west-facing slopes on Oregon habitats.

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