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2a1 Polar & Tundra

Polar & Tundra Cold & Dry Biomes

2a1 Polar & Tundra
2a1 Polar & Tundra

Polar & Tundra Objectives

  • Describe the climate and organisms of the polar regions, including threats to polar carnivores.

  • Describe the climate and organisms of the tundra, including plant characteristics.

Polar Biomes

This video introduces the polar regions: the Arctic and Antarctica.

2a1 Polar & Tundra

The polar regions of the Arctic to the north and Antarctica to the south receive the lowest amount of solar energy and have low temperatures as well as low precipitation.

2a1 Polar & Tundra

Unlike other terrestrial ecosystems, the polar regions are dominated and defined by ice, not plants.


There are polar producers, primarily algae, with moss and lichens in limited distribution in warmer areas.

2a1 Polar & Tundra
2a1 Polar & Tundra

Polar bears are not eating these small producers, what ecosystem are they living off of if not the ice?

Emperor penguins live off of fish in marine food webs.

2a1 Polar & Tundra


The tundra lies directly below the Arctic.  This video introduces the Tundra.

2a1 Polar & Tundra

In the tundra soil, a layer of water called _____ stays frozen all year long.

2a1 Polar & Tundra

The low moisture and permafrost limits plant growth; few trees exist.  Plants are small and rounded with lower surfaces areas exposed to the wind and cold.

2a1 Polar & Tundra
2a1 Polar & Tundra

Herds of caribou, also called reindeer, can live off the moss, lichens, grasses, and small shrubs.

The next section introduces the Taiga, large coniferous forests south of the tundra.
2a1 Polar & Tundra
Check your knowledge.  Can you:
  • describe the climate and organisms of the polar regions, including threats to polar carnivores?

  • describe the climate and organisms of the tundra, including plant characteristics?

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This guide and lecture material are assessed on the weekly quiz.

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