Seven Steps
Recitation Media Piece

Seven Steps Objectives:
Utilize seven steps to quickly assess and collect information on a field site.
Recitation (the 50-minute activity) attendance is not required, but you are welcome to use that class time as office hours to ask your GTA questions, or study with classmates in 127 Weniger.
Background Information for Assignment

Orienting at a Field Site
Whether you are conducting field research or trying to fully experience a new travel destination, it is valuable to have the habit of assessing the location.
This video introduces seven basic steps you can use to quickly collect information on a site incorporating the topic lenses from this course. You will be using these in the next media assignment.
Here are the seven steps in action.
You will be able to make a video, take photos, and or notes as part of your media piece trying these steps on location.
We are almost ready for field work!
In the first planning step of the seven steps, consider behaviors you want you and your group to engage in to preserve the experience for yourselves, others, and the environment.
Its time to go outdoors and put these seven steps to work!
This is the first of several excursions, you can pick anywhere indoors or outdoors that has organisms for this assignment. It can be a yard, a park, etc. You may even successfully complete this looking out a ground floor window.
Review your safety check list.
We recommend doing field work with someone else; be sure to let them know about any potential safety concerns

Stick to public access areas, there is plenty to find even in the smallest of plots.

Assignment (due Sunday on Canvas)
Seven Steps
Select a field location. You do not need to go far, this can be close to where you live, but does need to have organisms. It can be a park, yard or basement areas with spiders and insects. You are putting into practice the seven steps, beginning with selecting the site and planning what you will be doing. Consider safety with each step.
You are capturing information for each step and this could be notes, captioned photos, and/or a video. We will have more specific field assignments in upcoming guides.