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Data Summary Recitation Media Piece

8p2 Data Summary
8p2 Data Summary

Data Summary Objective

Select data you find interesting from quality online resources and put that data into a form that can be shared with others. 
Before completing this assignment, review the characteristics of quality sources of science information that were introduced on the Climate Change page of the Global Guide.

Media Piece Assignment

Data Summary

We often read or hear about a story from the news and share it with others.  In the media piece, you are selecting data you find interesting from quality online resources and putting that data into a form that can be shared with others.  The data can be about the human population, climate change, endangered species, or other environmental biology topic.  


1. Select an online data source that is likely to be a reliable source of information.  Here are three suggestions:

Population Reference Bureau Data:

NASA Climate Evidence:

NOAA Climate Data:

2.  State the web address of the online resource, so someone else could find the information, and briefly summarize why this is a quality source of science information, using the criteria introduced in this guide.

3.  From the online resource, select two data visualizations that you find interesting; each could be a graph, a table, a pie chart, etc.

4.  Explain each of the two data visualizations in your own words.  Include a description of the data, what the data indicates, and why you find the data interesting enough to share.

8p2 Data Summary

You are turning in a piece about population or climate data that includes:

  • the website address (url) of the data source you are using and why you feel that online is a quality source of science information.

  • descriptions of two different data visualizations in your own words that includes: a description of the data, what the data indicates, and why you personally find this data interesting. 

If you include the original two data visualizations in your media piece, indicate the specific website page (url) that they came from.

This may fit well in the final portfolio with Environmental Biology Concepts or possibly Science Skills, depending on the focus of the media piece.

Media Directions

Submitted to Canvas. 
Upload your data summary to Canvas.  Your work can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, a photo of the notes, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.

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