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8B Living Collections
8B Living Collections

Living Collections

Maintaining organisms for study

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In this guide we practice learning from collections of living organisms.

Video Overview

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Living Collections Lecture Guide Contents

This guide and lecture material are assessed on the weekly quiz.

Living Collections Objectives


List the characteristics of fish that distinguish them from other vertebrate animals; link what can be learned at a fish hatchery to the basic requirements of a home fish tank; and describe the significance and life cycle of anadromous salmon.


Provide characteristics of zoo experiences, including commonly featured activities, habitats, and species; list the key structures and behaviors of species in Family Felidae; and describe considerations in developing and maintaining a group of diverse animal species.


Provide examples of different bird Orders you are likely to encounter in the field; list characteristic field markings used to identify birds; and describe techniques that can be used to attract and maintain “backyard” birds.


Provide examples of different types of arboretums including the functions they serve; identify different parts of a cross-section of a tree stem and provide examples of different types of wood; and distinguish between different structures used to classify trees.

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