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9A Museums & Libraries
9A Museums & Libraries

Museums & Libraries

Collections of objects for further study

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In this guide we are learning from collections of stored knowledge about nature.
This is the only guide week 9, there is no lab or lecture Thursday due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.
There is a quiz over this material and one media piece (portfolio introduction page) due by Sunday.

Video Overview

Watch this guide overview video.

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Museums & Libraries Lecture Guide Contents

This guide and lecture material are assessed on the weekly quiz.

Museums & Libraries Objectives

Natural History

Define natural history and describe what you would expect to find in a natural history museum; provide examples of organisms that live in extreme habitats; and list the conditions that may support life beyond Earth.


List the different types of commonly kept nature collections and explain their roles in science learning; provide characteristics and examples of contemporary nature collecting; and explain why different types of displays are an important link between collections and learning.


Provide examples of how the arts play a significant role in learning about the natural world; identify different types of flowers and explain how their structures relate to pollination; and describe the characteristics of flowers that attract specific animal pollinators.


Provide examples of primary and secondary sources of information; and outline a strategy for locating science information from a variety of resources, including how to cite sources.

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