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9r Resources
Museums & Libraries


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About this Guide

9r Resources

Objects and Experiences

This guide features the importance of collecting objects as a representation of the natural world.  These can be original nature specimens or representations like digital photos.  Culturally we shift back and forth between which is more important in studying and understanding life: objects or experiences.  The post-post-modern era has emphasized experiences over objects.  I have been teaching for 30+ years and am pretty sure that both are important in having a full experience of the natural world.


Behind the Scenes

Learning a general topic like “flowers” can seem overwhelming.  Sometimes it helps to specialize and focus on a more specific topic to develop expertise.
Here we are visiting a rose garden, the perfect place for journaling.  This is the Oregon Garden in Silverton.
You really can’t visit Portland Oregon without a walk through the International Rose Test Garden.
Museums are beginning together art works and nature collections, an acknowledgement that both represent human endeavors.

Arts & Sciences

Museums are beginning together art works and nature collections, an acknowledgement that both represent human endeavors.
We started with film photography when every photo could be expensive and you didn't know what you had until the film was developed.

Appreciating Smart Phones

We started with film photography when every photo could be expensive and you didn’t know what you had until the film was developed.
We are alway taking videos & photos outside, sometimes it feels good to just sit and take it all in.

Taking a Break

We are alway taking videos & photos outside, sometimes it feels good to just sit and take it all in.
If you have pets, you know that they can let you know when it is time for a break, like Uschi is doing here.

You're Done

If you have pets, you know that they can let you know when it is time for a break, like Uschi is doing here.

Recommended Books (lost-in-space edition)

9r Resources

More than just a book about space; an interesting way of learning science.

9r Resources

Mind-blowing images make you look at the universe in a new way.

9r Resources

For the young-at-heart; space and art come together.

Build a Library

Whether its digital or print, collect resources that assist in exploring, describing, and explaining the natural world.

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