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8B Global
8B Global

Guide 8B


Far-Reaching Impacts

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In this guide we examine negative impacts on environments and species.

Video Overview

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Global Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.

Global Objectives


Describe how air pollutants link to acid deposition and ozone depletion; provide examples of point source and non-point source water pollution; and list common soil contaminants and their possible impacts.

Climate Change

Describe current climate changes, including trends in surface temperature, ice, sea level, and ocean acidity; list potential impacts of climate change predicted by climate models as well as proposed solutions; and explore websites and determine whether they are quality sources of science information.

Endangered Species

List and describe the factors that typically put species in danger of extinction; provide examples of strategies used to attempt to save species from extinction; and explain what an invasive species and provide examples.


Provide examples of different microhabitats within larger ecosystems; describe what is happening to North American bats and why their loss may be significant; and tell the story of the Devil’s Hole pupfish, including how subtle changes in its microhabitat may lead to extinction.

Global Product Page

Look ahead to the products (quiz & media piece) you will be making after completing this guide’s four activity pages.

Global Resource Page

Would you like to learn more than what is covered in this course?  Visit these extra resources for a lifetime of learning.

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