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5B Communities
5B Communities

Guide 5B


Different Species Interacting Together

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In this guide we are observing a range of organism interactions.

Video Overview

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Communities Guide Contents

Complete all four of these sections before taking the quiz and making your media piece.

Communities Objectives


List positive, negative, and neutral forms of community interactions; describe competition, including examples of intraspecific and interspecific competition; and explain how competition is potentially costly to the participants, including ways to minimize competition.

Predation & Herbivory

Describe tactics and weaponry predators use to capture prey; distinguish between grazer, browser, and algivore herbivores; and explain how and why carnivorous plants catch prey and provide examples.


Define symbiosis, including the characteristics of mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism; provide examples of organisms in mutualistic, parasitic, and commensalistic relationships; and describe different forms of endosymbiosis including how organisms are impacted.

Oak Community

Distinguish between an oak savannah and an oak woodland, including differences in microclimates and species diversity; explain why oak habitats are in decline; and provide examples of organisms and symbiotic relationships found in an oak community.

Communities Product Page

Look ahead to the products (quiz & media piece) you will be making after completing this guide’s four activity pages.

Communities Resource Page

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