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Guide 4A Plants


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
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Review Plants Contents

Plants Objectives


Revisit Linnaean classification, including the hierarchy of groups from Domain to species; describe how plants are generally classified starting with non-vascular plants through angiosperms; and if provided a plant, classify it using these terms: non-vascular or vascular, spore-bearing or seed-bearing, a gymnosperm or an angiosperm, a monocot or a dicot.


Describe plant structures that we consume, including the vegetables developed from Brassica oleracea; provide the characteristics of leaves, including the structures involved in gas exchange and photosynthesis; and collect, press, identify, and label a leaf.

Stems & Roots

Describe the visible and microscopic structures of stems  as well as their corresponding functions; identify root structures and explain why re-potting a plant can negatively impact its health; and explain how herbs and other plants defend themselves against herbivores.


Describe asexual reproduction and provide examples of plants that can reproduce in this manner; label various flower structures and functions, relating flower structures to fruits and seeds; and list plants that utilize wind pollinations and contrast wind pollinated flowers with animal pollinated flowers.

Plants Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all four sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning objectives above to guide your studying.

Plants Media

Introduced in Leaves section of this guide:

Pressed Leaf

Collect a leaf, press it, and mount it on a piece of paper with glue or tape.  Identify the leaf based on its characteristics using one of the available online leaf keys.  Available websites include:

4a5 Products

Include this information on your leaf page:

  • tentative identification of plant the leaf came from.

  • the structures you used to make the identification (for example: leaf shape, venation. etc.)

  • the location where you found the leaf.
  • the date of collection.
  • collected by (your name)
  • any additional notes you may have, like your pressing process.

If you can’t get outdoors, you can also use a leaf from a house plant or a vegetable, like celery or lettuce.

Use caution if you collect outdoors; travel with a friend, be aware of your surroundings, avoid hazardous situations and restricted locations, and minimize impact on organisms and their environment.

Media Directions

To be completed after taking the quiz on Canvas. 
Once you have completed your labeled pressed leaf, upload it to Canvas.  Your file can be submitted as a PDF, a word document, a photo of the notes, or even a video.  Multiple assignment formats are supported.


Portfolio Directions

The Pressed Leaf media piece could be a good addition to your final portfolio.

We have more information on the final portfolio in 4B, including a media piece that will get you started on that assignment.

Learn more about Plants

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.

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4A: Plants

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4B: Animals